1. “The only way to get out of bed in the morning is to want to go to bed at night.” —— Martin Luther King Jr.
2. “If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” —— Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
3. “If you are going to the gym, you should be fit and healthy, not just looking good.” —— bodybuilding.com
4. “If you want to succeed, work hard and be passionate about what you do.” —— business之神之神之神 乔布斯
5. “You are not a failure if you don't have a degree. You are a failure if you don't know how to learn from your mistakes.” —— personal development expert 马克·扎克伯格
6. “If you want to be successful, start now and work your way up.” —— business之神之神之神 乔布斯
7. “The only way to win is to not play.” —— sports之神之神之神 迈克尔·乔丹
8. “The key to success is not how many times you've失败, but how many times you've learned from your mistakes.” —— personal development expert 马克·扎克伯格
9. “You can't predict the future, but you can control your present.” —— business之神之神之神 乔布斯
10. “If you want to be happy, live your life in a way that makes you feel fulfilled.” —— personal development expert 马克·扎克伯格
11. “If you want to be a leader, you need to be a learner and a grower.” —— business之神之神之神 乔布斯
12. “If you want to be successful, you need to be passionate about what you do.” —— personal development expert 马克·扎克伯格
13. “The only way to be successful is to be happy.” —— personal development expert 马克·扎克伯格
14. “If you want to be a good friend, be a good friend first.” —— business之神之神之神 乔布斯
15. “If you want to be successful, work hard and be patient with yourself.” —— personal development expert 马克·扎克伯格